IPad Peek/ iPhone Peek is easy to understand and use. Users can switch between the portrait and landscape modes by clicking the black frame located above their browsers.
#Iphone site emulator mac mac os x#
You can then simply enter "Mozilla/ 5.0 (iPad U CPU OS 3_2 like Mac OS X en-us) AppleWebKit/ 531.21.10 (KHTML, LIKE Gecko) Version/ 4.0.4 Mobile/ 7B334b Safari/ 531.21.10". Select New- String, and then name it "general-useragent-override". If you have installed/using Firefox, just type "about: config" inside the address bar and then click on your right mouse button. To get very close results disable the plugins in your web browser and then change the user-agent-string to that of Apple iPad. You should be aware that iPad or iPhone virtual keyboards and the back/forward bookmark buttons on iPhone and iPad browser are just for show.

It can help you determine whether your website is compatible with the two Apple’s most acclaimed devices by typing your URL and then hitting the "Enter" button. This is an excellent web-based emulator that displays how various sites on iPad and iPhone devices.